Last week was my daughter’s fourth birthday and I asked her what theme she wanted for her birthday party. She chose a puppy theme and the cake Pinteresting began. I looked at cakes and cupcakes with paw prints on them, cakes shaped like a puppy face, and 3-D fondant covered puppy cakes, and finally I settled on this Labradoodle cake, complete with furry looking icing, and it turned out so cute!
It really isn’t hard (though a bit time consuming), nor does it require special equipment. All you need is a couple of 9×13 sheet cakes, a little food coloring, and some buttercream icing with a writing tip and grass tip for the mouth and fur, respectively. I used this printable template I found on the Betty Crocker website, and followed those instructions, except that I made homemade buttercream icing instead of using canned. I also improvised the eyes, mouth, and collar using chocolate chips, icing, and a candy melt, because I didn’t have any fruit roll-ups or chocolate candy.
They have so many other cute templates as well, if you want another breed besides the Labradoodle. I just thought this one was so cute and shaggy/fluffy looking, and my daughter loved it so I’d call that a success. Look at his face!