For anyone who doesn’t know, NaNoWriMo is the abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month. It takes place annually in November and the goal is to write 50,000 words of a new novel between the 1st and the 30th. This comes out to roughly 1667 words per day, every single day – an ambitious goal, to be sure.
Find out more about NaNoWriMo here.
For those who complete this awesome challenge, the prize is…nothing, you just have bragging rights. You can buy a t-shirt that says you won, but I’m pretty sure you don’t even have to ‘win’ to order it. Even still, it is a lot of fun, and a wonderful challenge for anyone who enjoys word-smithing. The beginning chapters of my first book were written during NaNoWriMo 2013, and added to and improved over the next three years to what I currently consider the final product. There will no doubt be more improving and editing if I can ever get the thing published, but I digress.
The point is, NaNoWriMo served as the jumping off point for something that I worked long and hard to complete and I am going to attempt a similar feat in 2016. In the years I have participated in National Novel Writing Month I have yet to reach the 50,000 word milestone, but perhaps this will be the year? I invite you to check back in here at Read and Eat for weekly updates on my word count starting November 8th. My hope is that the outside accountability of tens of people will keep me motivated to crank out the words and finally reach the elusive 50k goal!
I’m also looking for writing buddies, so please look me up! My NaNoWriMo username is jmill8809.
And check out the NaNoWriMo official website to get more info or sign up yourself.