Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity
By Scott Alexander
Lampo Press, 2011
Why be a cow, placidly grazing in a field, when you could be a rhino, crashing through obstacles on the path to success? This is the premise of Scott Alexander’s book Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity.
Alexander’s writing style is fun and engaging and his rhetoric hints at an amusing political incorrectness. The pages are full of entertaining rhinoceros illustrations, pithy one-liners, and great quotations that keep your attention and accentuate important points. Clever analogies make it easy for the reader to relate to the author’s message.
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The ideas in this book can be applied by anyone who desires to be a rhino, and Alexander gives you plenty of tips on how to charge effectively. To be successful you must be prepared to challenge yourself to commit to being a rhino in all of the six areas of your life that Alexander identifies in the second half of the book. True rhino success is achieved when you charge in every area.
The entire book is less than a hundred pages, easily read in a single afternoon, but the message will leave you invigorated and motivated to leap out of bed each morning. It has challenged me to stop accepting excuses from myself and to be more confident in launching new ideas. A must read for anyone who values and strives for self-improvement.
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