Yesterday marked the seventh day of NaNoWriMo 2016 – Week 1 is done! So far this year has been my best NaNo year yet by far. My current word count as of Monday November 7th comes in at 11,639.
Daily word counts:
Day 1: 1784
Day 2: 1592
Day 3: 1475
Day 4: 1934
Day 5: 1770
Day 6: 1773
Day 7: 1311
Total: 11,639
At this rate my average is 1,663, which is pretty much right on the average of 1,667 that is required to successfully complete 50,000 words in 30 days. So far so good! And the best part is that I am so pleased with how my story and characters are turning out. I can’t wait to have the final product in hand. Check back next Tuesday for a Week 2 update to see if I’m maintaining momentum. I know you are all on the edge of your seats, so if you want daily word count updates you can find me on the NaNoWriMo website with the username jmill8809. See you next week!