The end of Week 3 finds me feeling somewhat redeemed. My daily word counts have been much healthier this past week and I have made up some lost ground, though I am still paying the price for my negligence in Week 2. Still, I think with dedication I might still be able to pull off a win.
My total word count for Week 3 comes to 12,647 with a daily average of 1,434. This compares favorably with Week 1 (11,639 & 1,663) and especially favorably with Week 2 (5,842 & 1,248).
Grand total as of Monday the 14th: 30,128.
Daily Word Counts:
Day 15: 2552
Day 16: 1564
Day 17: 1054
Day 18: 2024
Day 19: 1725
Day 20: 1805
Day 21: 1923
Total: 12,647
So if I am able to accomplish a daily average of 2,208 for the remainder of the month (9 more days), I will be able to claim my first NaNoWriMo win! My biggest obstacle to success will occur on November 25th. That is the day that the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life reunion episodes are airing on Netflix. I’m Team Jess, for the record. But if I can make it past the 25th I think I stand a good chance. Check back in next week for final results!