Christmas is always a busy time and it’s easy to get stressed out with so much going on. One thing I like to do to make sure there’s more fun than stress is to make breakfast ahead of time. This year I made my favorite Cinnamon Roll recipe on Christmas Eve Eve so that they would be ready to go for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Totally yummy and such a life saver.
Look at that perfect swirl. So pretty!
Now, I have tested a lot of cinnamon roll recipes in the search for ‘the one’. And usually when I am trying to develop a recipe it becomes a combination of several recipes, possibly with some made-up bits, all rolled into one. But the recipe I am about to share with you was so good every time I tried it that I didn’t change a single thing, which is why I am sharing the original link and not taking any credit for it at all. The pictures on this page are my own though, complete with red sugar sprinkles applied by the liberal hand of my 3 year old daughter to make them more festive.
Click on over to A Spicy Perspective for these Better Than Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls!
I will note that on this go round I did not make the cream cheese icing portion of the recipe because I just happened to have a half used container of store bought cream cheese icing from another project in my fridge. They were still delicious but the homemade is better, unsurprisingly. Store bought sure saves time though!
Fresh out of the oven before the icing. I think they are just gorgeous. Maybe that makes me a little weird but when I gaze upon these rolls I don’t care.