Today I want to share with you some of the blogs that I follow to find amazing recipes and reliable book recommendations. There are two lists, one each for food and books, and each recommendation on the food list also includes a recipe that I have tried and loved, as well as one I am excited to try soon. Hopefully you will find something new and exciting to try on one of these awesome blogs too!
My Favorite Recipe So Far: Cheesy Cauliflower Soup
Recipe I Can’t Wait to Try: Homemade Pop Tarts
My Favorite Recipe So Far: Buttermilk Biscuit Bread (I omit the sugar because I don’t like sweet biscuits, but you do you.)
Recipe I Can’t Wait to Try: Lemon Blueberry Loaf Cake
My Favorite Recipe So Far: Creamy Lemon Chicken Piccata
Recipe I Can’t Wait to Try: White Garlic Chicken and Vegetable Pizza
My Favorite Recipe So Far: Better Than Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls (I’ve shared this one before, it is sooo good!)
Recipe I Can’t Wait to Try: Creamy Avocado Salsa Verde
New to Me Blog: I just found this blog a few days ago and I am really excited about it! Might be a new favorite.
Recipe I Can’t Wait to Try: Hot Dog Chili Sauce
I could spend hours at a time on this site. So much great content for book nerds – everything from book lists to reading challenges, and so much more. She also has an awesome podcast, but more on that another time.
Book reviews across a range of genres, mostly newer releases. Every review I’ve read has been thoughtful, honest, and well-written.
This blog is written by the agents of Books and Such Literary Agency. The agents take turns writing posts related to books and/or writing, and each post is filled with literary tips, wisdom, and encouragement.