Last week my youngest turned two, which meant party time! Her hands down favorite stuffed animal that she sleeps with and carries around is a stuffed duck, so when it came time to pick a theme for her party, duckies seemed like an obvious choice. And apparently it was a good one, because she got so excited when she saw her invitations, plates, and cake.
Adorable duck invitations. Shoot me an email if you want the template, I’m happy to share!
Ducky plates and cheerful yellow napkins to go with. I love planning parties and events, so fun!
The cake! This one was fun because it was so quick and simple to make, but so cute! The ducks came in a 3-pack from the Dollar Tree and the ribbon was one I had laying around from some gift giving occasion a year or two ago. Fun fact about me: I’m a ribbon hoarder. You never know when you will need a ribbon so I keep them all, and that philosophy has served me well (Exhibit A: Ducky Cake).
We all had a fun time at her party, she liked her theme, and the cake was yummy because Kit-Kats. Sounds like a successful 2nd birthday to me!