Free classics? Yes, please!
It has never been easier to get access to classic literature than right now with all of the great titles that are available to download straight to your device for FREE. It literally blows my mind, that so many of these books that I have enjoyed so much are completely free to anyone with an internet connection. Just last week I downloaded the Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection to my Kindle library for the next time I need a Baker Street fix and it cost me $0.00.
The other great thing about this is that ebooks can be collected without actually amassing more stuff and cluttering up your space. So you can download as many titles as you want, and the only thing that happens is that you are filled with the joy and satisfaction that comes from having an abundant book collection without cleaning out your wallet or buying another book shelf. I have been able to identify no downsides here.
And in case you are itching to take advantage of this exciting offer but aren’t sure where to start, I have compiled a list of a few of my favorites that are available on Kindle for free. No need to thank me, it was my pleasure.
19 Free Kindle Classics
- Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Collection
- Persuasion
- Call of the Wild
- White Fang
- Wuthering Heights
- Jane Eyre
- Robinson Crusoe
- Gulliver’s Travels
- The Swiss Family Robinson
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Pride and Prejudice
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
- The Scarlett Letter
- Treasure Island
- Around the World in 80 Days
- Sense and Sensibility
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- The Red Badge of Courage
- Oliver Twist
It’s also worth noting that if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription there are many, many more classic titles included in that service as well. You can get a 30 Day Kindle Unlimited Trial completely free if you want to check it out and see if it’s for you. But even if you don’t subscribe, this list should keep you busy for a little while, at least. Let me know which of the books on this list you would like to read (or reread)!
My daughter loves her kindle. Will have to send this to her to see if she has some of these.
Hope she finds something she likes!
My Kindle is the best gift I ever received. I am always looking for free Kindle books. I’m going to look for these. Thanks for the list!
There are a lot of free ones on there if you have the patience to sift through them. Hope you find some good ones!
Thank you for the great list! I am so ready for some summer reading with my Kindle!
Me too! And there are many more classics that aren’t on this list, these are just the ones I’ve personally read and enjoyed.
Sherlock Holmes and Wuthering Heights are some of my favorite books!! I read most of the Sherlock Holmes stories well before high school, and I read wuthering heights during one summer in high school. So cool to know they are free!
I come back and visit Baker Street every so often 🙂
I just ordered a Kindle, so I’m going to have to check these out! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Awesome, hope you love it! I don’t even actually have a kindle, I just use the kindle app on my phone.
Yes!! Thanks for sharing this. I’m always on the hunt for new books to read, and if they’re free, that’s even better!
Hard to beat free 🙂
It’s awesome that Amazon offers free classics. Those are some of my favorites to snag. You’ve listed some good ones! 🙂
Thanks! Hope you grab a few to enjoy 🙂
I’ve just finished my latest book, so this comes at a perfect time. I had no idea all these classics were available for free! I think I’m going to check out Around the World in 80 Days – I watched the movie a few weeks ago, so it will be a nice combo 🙂
Perfect! I’ve never watched the movie but I read the book a long time ago in either middle school or high school.
This is so good to know !!! I Loved reading on my kindle app when i was nursing my daughter, but that was 6 years ago! always like the word: Free
I used to read more when I was nursing too! And ebooks are so convenient for that because you can do it one handed.
Wow there’s some amazing titles on here! Oliver Twist and Swiss family Robinson for free!?! Thanks for sharing headed to download now
I probably read The Swiss Family Robinson 3 times before I graduated high school!