To Wager Her Heart
Tamera Alexander
Zondervan, 2017
This post contains affiliate links. Read more about that here. Thanks to TLC Book Tours for providing a copy of To Wager Her Heart for me to review and including me in the book tour.
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned before that I am a fan of Tamera Alexander – but if you didn’t know it before you do now. I have read ALL of her books and loved them, including the two books that precede To Wager Her Heart in the Belle Meade Plantation series, so I jumped at the chance to receive an early copy of this book to review. And it certainly did not disappoint.
I flew through it, coming back again and again to see what would happen to Alexandra as she was thrust into a completely new world that she wasn’t prepared for, and to see if Sylas would be able to win her heart (after he admitted to himself that he wanted to). She is so kind hearted and generous, but at the same time has difficulty accepting Sylas’s kindness and generosity towards her, because when she sees him all she can think about is her fiancé’s death. But overtime she grows to admire him for his intelligence, determination, and integrity.
Sylas didn’t come South looking for a wife, but he realizes more quickly than Alexandra that they have something between them. That leaves him with three ambitious goals: win the railroad contract, clear is father’s name, and win her heart. Ultimately he has to learn to prioritize those goals, something he comes to realize as his new friends begin to challenge him in his faith.
The thing I probably love the most about Tamera Alexander (aside from her entertaining and compelling writing style) is how seamlessly she weaves history into her stories. Everything feels so real and natural, and I never fail to learn something without ever once feeling like I’m wading through an information dump. And as a native Tennessean I can especially appreciate that characteristic in this series and her Belmont Mansion series.
And if you are reading all the way to the end of this post your reward is that I saved the best for last. At the end of the book you will find a recipe for Chocolate Chess Pie, a dish that is mentioned several times in the book. And since I blog about books and food, I couldn’t resist trying it out. I’m happy to report that it is both easy and delicious – yet another reason to love this book!
Two thumbs up for To Wager Her Heart as a standalone third installment to the Belle Meade Plantation series. I think it’s probably my favorite of the three! To read more about this book check out the book tour bloggers schedule and much, much more on the TLC Book Tours page.
Thanks for the review, sounds like a good book!
So, I might have to pick up this book JUST to find that recipe. Because girl, that Chocolate Chess Pie looks delicious. And I need a new book to read for my upcoming road trip! 🙂
It was delicious! Maybe this is just the book for your road trip since there is some travel in it too 🙂
Sounds like a good read. I love books that weave in some history so you are learning something on top of the story line.
Me too! This author does an excellent job with that.
I will have to check this author out! I love books that include recipes that tie in to the story. Have you read any of the Diane Mott Davidson books? Her mystery series about a caterer always includes some of the recipes from the story.
I haven’t heard of her! That sounds like something I would enjoy, I’ll have to check her out. Thanks for the recommendation!
This book sounds incredible. I haven’t heard of this series. Definitely going to look into it now!
It’s great if you like historical fiction!
I love stories like this. It would be awesome if Hallmark picks this up and turn it into a TV movie!
well now i need to get my hand on this book simply for that pie…it looks delicious
i absolutely love books that has recipes attached to it..i have tried one for bread before and it was so satisfying to finish the read that way.
I know, it gives it a more concrete ending and it’s fun to try a new treat!
I love books that come with recipes! I don’t think this is quite my genre, but the pie certainly is.
Pie is your genre 😆
I used to read books like this all of the time and MAN do I miss it! It definitely sounds like one of those books that you find yourself getting lost in. When I found a great story I would tell myself that the chapter I was reading would be my last for the day, but I always wound up reading more.
True story. Books are my drug of choice and I have the same problem as you stopping at just one more chapter 🙂
Well I love that they include a chocolate pie recipe at the end, YUM!
Yep, it’s a nice touch 🙂
That book sounds so good and the pie looks delish! It looks like the perfect thing to treat yo’self with while reading!
Ha ha exactly!
Thanks for being a part of the tour!
My pleasure! Thanks for including me!