If you write on a regular basis, you know that there are times when the words seem to fly onto the page, and others when it’s virtually impossible to conjure up even a few sentences. If you’re in a slump and suffering from a bout of writer’s block, it can be incredibly frustrating, but don’t lose heart. Try to reset your mind and encourage your creative flair and imagination to shine through. Here are some effective ways you can beat a mind blank.
Read more
If you’re a blogger, a novelist, or a keen amateur writer, there are few things that will help you more than reading. Reading gives you access to other worlds, it makes you think and feel, and it also does wonders for your vocabulary. When you read, you take other people’s ideas on board, you imagine yourself in the character’s position, and you think about the subjects that are up for discussion. You learn, you process different emotions, and you can gain inspiration. If you’re struggling to follow a thread or you’re not quite sure where you want your tale to go, take a break and read a book or some magazine or blog articles.
Embrace real-life experiences
When you’re writing, it can be incredibly useful to draw on real-life experiences. If you’ve been through something, it’s much easier to write about it, and you can provide the reader with an account that is not only more informative and accurate, but also more profound. You can use your emotions and the way you felt at the time to make your writing come alive and create a response in others. Think about what you’ve already experienced in your life, and try and gain an insight into the kinds of encounters and adventures you’re writing about. Travel to the places that serve as a backdrop for your story, meet people who have extraordinary tales or see how you feel when you’re trying to break free from an escape room. It’s not the same as being in a hostage situation, but it may be the closest you’ll get to an authentic scenario, and it’ll give you a better idea of the natural human impulses, reactions and instincts this kind of situation brings about.
Take a break
Sitting at your desk for hours on end isn’t going to make you feel better if you’ve hit a wall and the words aren’t coming. Take some time out, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and try to turn your attention to a different focus for a while. Many people find that their best ideas come to them when they’re least expecting them. Sometimes a little self-care goes a long way!
Are you suffering from writer’s block? Do you find it challenging to sit down and write for long periods of time? Everyone is different, and it’s very common to go through periods when ideas are hard to come by. If you are struggling, take a break, do some reading, and try and use your own experiences, both old and new.
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What other tips have you found useful for overcoming writer’s block?
I had Writers block a few months ago. Taking a step back and just letting go really helped me. Great tips!!
It’s a real struggle sometimes!
Totally love this. Taking real life experiences into play is always a good start!
Plus escape rooms are fun 🙂
I find it is harder in the spring when there are a thousand things going on with the kids and the weather is getting nice and my mind is whirling! I love your tips! And the photo of the typewriter!
Thanks! I have to admit it’s a stock photo though, not mine lol
I’ve noticed that the more I read the more inspiration I have. It really does help to get the thoughts flowing. Taking a break is a necessary one too.
Yes! Reading is fun for me, but also almost like studying sometimes when you make it a point to pay attention to what other authors are doing that works.
So many good tips! I’ll definitely need to keep these in mind next time I’m struggling.
Bringing real life experience into it helps a lot! Such great tips!