The weather is getting hot and so is my reading life! I’ve got lots of great books going right now, including a biography, two historical fiction novels, and a childhood favorite, not to mention some really exciting reads coming up in the near future. Read on for details, and be sure to tell me what you’ve been reading, too!
Just Finished:
I posted a full review of this one recently. I’m a huge fan of Regina Jennings, so I knew I would enjoy this book and I was right! It’s full of hilarious misunderstandings and an opposite of love-at-first-sight romance that I really enjoyed.
In Progress:
This book was my choice for the May reading challenge prompt ‘a memoir or biography’. I’ve been listening to it on audio, and even though I’m only about a third of the way through it I can already tell you I will be recommending this one to tons of people. It’s so fantastic that there’s a good chance it will be on my top ten list for this year. It’s the story of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner and WWII veteran who survives a plane crash and a POW camp. His story is so interesting, well told by the author, and well read by the narrator.
First Love Forever Romance Collection
I actually won this book in an Instagram giveaway last month and I was so excited because I love novella collections. I’m two stories in and enjoying it just as much as I thought I would. It’s so fun to read nine stories that are all different but follow a common theme. Also the inside cover art on this book is so pretty, so that never hurts.
So far this book is interesting for the way it handles issues surrounding ethical business practices as modern manufacturing equipment begins to be used more widely in 19th century England. You can expect to see a full review up later this week, so I don’t want to give away too much right now!
I’M SO EXCITED TO BE READING THIS BOOK! I’ve been waiting forever for my daughter to be old enough to appreciate it so we could read this childhood favorite together. We are going through a few pages a day, and while I don’t think she is fully comprehending everything that’s going on, she’s definitely getting enough to enjoy the story so we’re having fun with it.
Up Next:
There were three things that drew me to this book: the pretty cover, the pretty title, and the fact that it sounds like a modern day marriage of convenience story. I love historical marriage of convenience stories, so I’m extra intrigued by the idea of a present day interpretation of that idea.
I’m reading Little House in the Big Woods with my daughter, too! So far, she’s kind of confused by it (she’s six). We also read Harry Potter together, and she’s waiting for it to “get more exciting like Harry Potter.” But she does ask questions and I’m hoping she gets more into it. (I also remember as a kid feeling like Little House in the Big Woods was one of the more boring books in the series, so maybe she’ll like the others more?)
So glad you’re loving Unbroken!
Now that you say that, I remember it being one of my least favorites too. Farmer Boy was always my favorite!
I just read Little House in the Big Woods & Little House on the Prairie last month because they were some of my favorites as a kid! I’m hoping to reread the rest of the series sometime this year too!!
I was so happy to finally have a good excuse to revisit and old favorite 🙂 Have fun with the rest of the series!