Alright friends, we are entering June, which means we are right about at the halfway point of the year. How has your reading life been so far this year? Are you reading as much as you hoped? More importantly, are the books you are reading ones that you really love?
My personal belief is that reading almost any book is better than not reading at all, but there is a special kind of pleasure in finding a book that you love. What’s even better is if it’s so good that you want to read it again! That’s the theme for this month’s reading challenge prompt – a book you’ve read (and loved) before.
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There were many, many contenders for this choice for me. Among the finalists were The Swiss Family Robinson, A Gown of Spanish Lace, and The Hobbit. While it wasn’t an easy choice, I finally decided to go with The Hobbit. My worn, much-loved copy hasn’t been opened in several years and so I decided to immerse myself in the fantastic world I loved so much as a child.
Funny story – my mom actually made me read this when I was a kid, even though I really didn’t want to. I am very sensitive to scary things, and the cover on this book was terrifying to me! But in her wisdom, she stretched me outside my comfort zone and darned if it didn’t become a favorite for me. Thanks, Ma. The horrifying cover on my original childhood copy:
If that doesn’t scare the pants off you I don’t know what would. The newer cover designs like the first one pictured in this post are much more attractive. I don’t know how a children’s book could ever go out into the world like this.