Shift Your Thinking for Success: 77 Ways to Win at Work and in Life
Dean Del Sesto
Revell, 2018
What is your definition of success? The answer to that probably looks a little different for everyone, but I think we can all agree that reaching that elusive success requires the right attitude. Shift Your Thinking: 77 Ways to Win at Work and in Life is packed with tips and techniques for how to capture your thoughts and reframe them with intentionality and a positive perspective.
This post contains affiliate links. Read more about that here. Thanks to Revell for sending me a copy of Shift Your Thinking to review.
I really got more out of this book than I anticipated. Not that I was expecting it to be a dud, of course, or else I wouldn’t have picked it up! But the wisdom on every page definitely exceeded my expectations and I came away with a lot of practical advice that is applicable in many different situations. Some of the chapters focus on things that will require some time a internal reflection, like creating a mission, value, and vision statement that represents the your personal brand. Others are simple and easy to begin implementing immediately, like caring enough about people to remember their names or getting a good night’s sleep.
One thing that I really like about the author’s message is the genuine care for people and relationships. A good majority of the chapters focus on strategies for truly growing business and personal relationships, not just learning how to manipulate people to get what you where you want to go. This approach relies on sincerely having at heart the best interests of everyone involved, and I love this focus on character and integrity. Don’t we all want to be better humans?
The chapters in Shift Your Thinking are all pretty short – no more than 3-4 pages, and many less than two. I read it in larger chunks, but I think a very effective way to read it would be to go through one chapter a day, taking time to reflect or make notes. I’m considering going back through it again a second time to try this approach. I also think this book would make a great gift for the person in your life who likes to self-reflect.
This book was initially appealing to me because I (and I suspect many of you reading this) place a high value on continually growing and learning to be more effective. Whether you are a CEO, a team member, a stay-at-home parent, or an entrepreneur, Shift Your Thinking will help you do as the title suggests, to the benefit of relationships in all areas of your life.
very nice review, enjoyed reading xx
So glad it was better and more helpful than you expected!
Me too!
This sounds Like a great book for anyone with their own business!
Definitely! And for others as well. I felt like it would be helpful for just about anyone.
I might really need to read this. I am in the process of forgiving out what I want to do and where i need to put my efforts, this could help!
Hope it helps!
Adding this to my must read list! I am always looking for positive books that help me be motivated and give great advice!
That absolutely describes this book!