As a writer, you have no doubt come across the experience of not feeling inspired enough to write. Whether you are experiencing the mythical writer’s block or just a case of a tired brain, this is a frustrating experience which no writer really wants to be the norm. However, it is something that you are going to deal with plenty if you are to make a living as a writer, or even if you are just a big hobbyist in the writing world. The good news is that it is always possible to find inspiration as long as you know where to look, and that is what we are going to discuss here. Here are a few of the best and most common places that writers frequently find inspiration:
Your Pastimes
Whatever you enjoy doing when you are away from the writing desk can be used as fuel when you are back at the writing desk. This is an important point to remember, for a lot of writers get into the unfortunate position of separating them. But if you take a look at whatever it is you enjoy doing for a hobby, you should see that it is full of potential for finding inspiration. Whether you like to experience Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire and game away in a fantasy world, or you like to spend time in the garden, you can be sure that you can use it in your writing in some way or another. Next time you are delving into your pastimes, do so with a conscious attitude and see if you can draw out any unique perspectives or experiences which you can use to make your writing come alive.
Other Writers
They say that great writers are great readers, and that is absolutely true. The late, great Terry Pratchett used to say that if you wanted to learn how to box, you would visit the boxing ring and watch the fights, night after night, until you understood it inside out. It’s no different with writing – you just need to pay attention to how others do it, so that you can do it yourself. Finding inspiration in the works of others is not just enjoyable – you might consider it to be necessary. If you find inspiration nowhere else, you should still at least find it in the works of other writers.
Your Past
Finally, some of the most powerful opportunities for inspiration can be found in your own past – sometimes in the parts of your past that you don’t really want to delve into. It is not a bad piece of advice to say that you should write what you are scared to write. That is usually a nugget of real life which other people will relate to in some strong way. Reach into your past, and get it down on your page, and you will have created something nobody else could create.
Where do you find inspiration for writing?
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