Summer is a weird season because it can be simultaneously relaxing and busy. There’s been a lot going on for me both personally and professionally in the last few weeks and it’s made me realize how full of contradictions life can be. I’ve been experiencing a feeling of intense gratitude while also feeling overwhelmed at all of the opportunities that have been popping up. But despite the craziness, I’ve still found plenty of time to read and write.
If you follow me on Instagram or a subscriber of my newsletter then you probably saw that I had another flash fiction story published in the summer issue of Spark Flash Fiction. It was such a good issue with so many fantastic stories in it, so you have to go check it out!
As for reading, I was looking at my book log and realized I’m on track to finish 160 books this year, a record for me! There are always to many good books available that sometimes I get sad when I dwell on the fact that there’s no possible way I can read them all. But then I pick up one of the books and start reading, and all of a sudden I’m cheered right up again because who can be sad with a great story in their hand?
I have 10 books on my list today, and as always, I hope you’ll take a second to tell me what YOU are reading right now in the comments.
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Just Finished:
This book is filled with witty banter, caffeine, and pop culture references — it’s a delightfully fun, clean rom com! The way the books is set up as ten separate journal entries for the same day each year is really interesting and I loved how nuanced the relationships and characters were. It would have been easy to only go surface level with a story like this but each character had a depth that really made the story believable despite the literal plot twists that really surprised me. That ending was perfection! And I love the eye-catching cover.
I know I’m probably the last person on earth to read this book, but I finished it earlier this week and I can see why everybody loved it. The structure, rotating narrators, and twists kept me guessing and reading continuously. The ending surprised me, and I think it wrapped up pretty well considering everything that happened in the course of the story. I didn’t realize until after I was almost done with it that there is also a movie, but I looked it up and don’t plan on watching it because it appears that the language and explicit scenes are ratcheted way up and that’s not my cup of tea.
I’ve had this book on my list for forever and finally bought a copy a few weeks ago. It was so good! It begins in New York in 1885 and follows recently graduated entomologist Nora Shipley on a research trip to India that she hopes will help her obtain a scholarship that will allow her to pursue a masters degree on her return. She learns a lot about local insects, but even more about herself and her beliefs as she is confronted with conflict and cultural dilemmas. I’ve never read a book about an entomologist before, and especially one about a female scientist during a time when many women were still discouraged from pursing higher education.

The structure of this book is very unusual. It’s a series of written communication like letters, notes, articles, interviews, etc. that work together to tell a story of a spunky, intelligent young woman working as translator in a POW camp who eventually faces unjust allegations of treason. I know people complain about how many WWII novels there are but this one approaches events from a different perspective that I really enjoyed.
In Progress:

I’ve been meaning to try out Michael Crichton for a long time and when my eye landed on his name in the library recently I picked up The Andromeda Strain at the recommendation of Meredith from the Currently Reading podcast. I think I remember her saying that this was a good one to start with if you haven’t read him before. The premise is interesting: a deadly microorganism comes to earth via a satellite and scientists rush to contain it — if they can.
Y’all know I love me some Denise Hunter and I’ve just started her Chapel Springs Romance series. It’s about Madison, a veterinarian who takes up sailing in order to honor her twin brother’s memory by winning an annual race. She gets help from the handsome Beckett and sparks fly, but he has a secret that places an invisible limit on their relationship.
Up Next:
This is the next book in the series I mentioned above and looks to be a friends-to-more romance between Daniel, the mayor of Chapel Springs, and Jade, who has returned home pregnant and broke. Will their childhood friendship be able to overcome adult obstacles and bloom into something more? (Of course it will, who do we think we’re kidding?)
I love Mary Connealy and her hilarious cowboy romances. This is book two in her Brothers in Arms series about a family who didn’t know about each other until their dad died, revealing that he had multiple families and wanted them to split the ranch he left as an inheritance. In the previous book, Falcon lost his memory. In this story we are going to see if he gets it back and if he’s going to let that obstacle stand in the way of true love. I can’t wait!
People are always raving on Instagram about Pepper Basham and I’ve never read any of her books — until now! This one is sitting in my Libby app waiting for me to finish the ones I’m currently reading. Then I’ll dive into this story about a bookshop, an old letter, a forgotten romance, and a lost inheritance.
I’ve been on the wait list for this Robin Hood story about a young woman in Victorian London. As you might guess, she is at odds with a local constable, until they are forced to work together to investigate a cab driver’s disappearance. I’m looking forward to a good historical mystery here, and I’m hoping it might be funny? I’m not too familiar with this author so I’m not sure how humorous her style is.
And don’t forget to check out Modern Mrs. Darcy’s monthly quick lit linkup for even more great book recommendations!