It’s been a weird week, you guys. Just when the irises, daffodils, and lilies were beginning to sprout and I thought spring had sprung, a snow storm dumped about six inches on us. Now some of you in colder climates are probably used to playing in the snow over spring break, but here in east Tennessee we are not! Nevertheless, snow at any time of year makes for some great reading, because there is nothing more relaxing than reading in your favorite recliner with a window view of cold, clean snow outside. Throw in a hot beverage and a fireplace ASMR and you are golden!
Below are some of the books that I enjoyed before, during, and after snowageddon (I’m not dramatic at all, don’t look at me like that), as well as a few I plan to read in the coming weeks. You’ll probably notice that there are a lot of middle grade books mixed in, and that’s because I’m a fan of Middle Grade March!
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Just Finished:
I was so impressed with this decluttering book geared towards 8-12 year olds. I’ve already published a detailed review proclaiming the merits of this book and how the practical steps and clear reasons helped my daughter clear out several bags of stuff from her room. She really liked it and keeps telling people about it!
This middle grade novel follows a little girl named Paris as she travels from one foster home to another. She struggles to trust people as she deals with past traumas and the prejudices that go with being a biracial foster kid, but even still the story is hopeful. It sparked some good conversations with my 9 year old, who didn’t really have a concept of why a kid wouldn’t live with their parents before reading this.
Did somebody say time travel? I grabbed this book off the shelf at my library because the spine was pretty, and once I read the description I was in. Gwyneth has watched her cousin Charlotte spend her whole life preparing to come of age and travel through time as the women in her family have done before her, until a mix up is revealed and Gwen learns that she is the one who possesses the mysterious gene. Now her life is turned upside down as she investigates long buried secrets, not knowing who, if anyone, she can trust. I loved this book so much I went back to the library as soon as I finished it to grab the next one, Sapphire Blue.
Sophie has always been the leader of her family since her mother was chronically ill and her father left. But now her brother has a great new job and her little sister has gotten married, which means she is free to follow her dream and open a bookshop. Through a series of unfortunate events, Sophie finds herself holed up in a guest house to wait out a hurricane with Aiden, the ex-boyfriend that left her high and dry seven years before. As their forced proximity causes them to reminisce and open up, both discover what really happened so many years before. Will they be able to reconcile and forgive each other? This is a great second chance romance with a charming setting and lots of chemistry and tension. It also does a good job portraying complicated families and how to set healthy boundaries.
In Progress:
When Gabriella is caught breaking into a safe in order to prove the innocence of a friend accused of theft, hijinks ensue. She is thrown together with Nicolas, her childhood best friend from when they both used to live on the street. Now adults, they must put aside their painful history and work together to clear the name of an innocent woman. Jen Turano is so funny! I’ve only just started this book, but I’m looking forward to many laughs in the coming pages.
I can’t read these books fast enough! I flew through Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue, and now I’m on to the last book in the series to see if Gwen will ever learn the secret that is supposed to be revealed when the circle closes. I also want to find out if Gideon is alright or if he’s just a jerk. It could really go either way right now.
Up Next:
The third book in the Graceling series, Bitterblue follows the title character as she becomes queen. Assuming the throne is never an easy job, but it’s made even more difficult by the abuses the kingdom suffered at the hands of her father, King Leck, who used his ability to control minds to feed his taste for cruelty. This is such a great fantasy series with a really vibrant, well-built world.
This is another book that made it into my library bag based on looks! I barely even remember what the description said, but I do know I love the beautiful cover and intriguing name. This is a bonus pick for my middle grade March list.
Apparently I’ve been into time travel lately, because here’s another one. The first book in this series followed ex-police detective Rembrandt Stone as he travel into the past and tried to prevent a crime. Now, back in the present, he finds that changing the past has altered his future in devastating ways. Can he figure out how to go back again and reverse the bad events without messing up the good ones?
As always, you can find more book recommendations on Modern Mrs. Darcy’s monthly quick lit roundup. Happy reading!