It’s time for a seasonal check-in. How’s your reading going? Do you have plenty of books you are excited about to carry you into fall/winter? I hope so, but if you don’t (or if you are a book glutton like me and just want more) then feel free to take inspiration from the books below that I’ve been reading.
Now, this is not a complete representation of my reading lately. As I prep for my Christmas reading list coming out later this fall I don’t share those books so that I don’t spoil the surprise. But I am sharing one holiday book that I read that is not going to make it onto my list because, despite the title, it really wasn’t about Christmas at all. A passing three sentence description of some decorations 60% through the book does not qualify you for a spot on the list, BUT I still enjoyed the book for other reasons so I’m including it today as the first book up.
Let’s get to it!
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Just Finished:
While this book did not deliver on holiday vibes, it was a quick, action-packed read. This story follows the investigation/rescue attempt that Navy SEAL Jordan Somerton and DEA agent Amy Delgado embark on when her niece is kidnapped on a cruise. What starts out as a fun trip with a wedding party quickly disintegrates, and Jordan and Amy’s complicated history doesn’t make things any easier. It was fast-paced and exciting, so I flew through it quickly.
If you like biblical historical fiction then this one is for you. Eliora is a Philistine girl who was adopted by an Israelite family after following the Ark of the Covenant at the instruction of her Hebrew servant. She has been living in peace and seclusion for eight years, but now her rebellious brother and a group of visiting Levites are turning her world upside down. Ronen is sure his uncle is right, that Eliora’s family was not meant to guard the ark and that their plan to steal it and move it to a better resting place is justified. But as he gets to know Eliora he begins to understand that not everything is as it seems and is forced to grapple with his faith and beliefs for himself.
I had mixed feelings about this book. I enjoy biblical fiction because it never fails to bring certain scriptures to life in a new way for me, but I did struggle to get through it because it felt somewhat slow despite all the things that were happening. Slow isn’t necessarily bad, but it wasn’t what I was in the mood for so it took me almost ten days to finish it.
This book is available through Kindle Unlimited.
In Progress:
Yep, I’m still working my through Susan May Warren’s series about hotshots and smoke jumpers. This one is about Riley, who feels like he is letting his team down when an injury pulls him out of the fight in the middle of an Alaskan wildfire. He’s also not sure what to make of Larke, the beautiful but damaged ex-army medic he’s been flirting with during this assignment. Can the two of them push past their dark histories and give love a shot? I haven’t finished the book yet, but I’m going to say yes, I think they’ll fall into each others arms.
This book is available through Kindle Unlimited.
I’m listening to this one on audio. It’s about a radio show host who faces a bomb threat and other harassment for her strong opinions on air and the detective assigned to keep her safe and figure who is responsible for the threats against her. It jumps straight into the action and so far I’m interested, although I’m only about 10% in. Irene Hannon is a new author for me but I’ve heard good things and I’m hoping I really love this one since it’s the first in a trilogy with each book featuring one of a the three Reilly sisters.
Rebuilding Beautiful:
Welcome What Is, Dare to Dream Again, and Step Bravely Into What Could Be
This slim non-fiction title releases next week. I was honored to receive an early review copy and have been learning from Kayla’s experiences as she navigates moving forward and building a beautiful life for her and her sons after losing her husband to suicide in 2018. She explores loss and what it means to move forward without losing your past. I’ll be posting a full review of it next week!
Up Next:
This book sounds like catnip for me. It’s about a human trafficking victim who has escaped from her captors in Mexico and made it across the border, but her challenges are only beginning. It looks like the only way for her to stay in America and stay safe is for her to accept a marriage of convenience with the man who stepped in unexpectedly to aid her rescue. I feel like this storyline has a lot of potential for action, relationship, and discussion so fingers crossed that it’s as good as I think it will be.
I recently heard about this book on a podcast and thought it sounded like something that I might benefit from. The author claims to have identified seven steps to achieving success by replacing quick-fix thinking with a more disciplined approach. As with all self-improvement books, I go into them with an open mind, ready to be inspired but with the understanding that not everything is for everyone. If I find one or two gems that improve my life, work, or relationships then it will have been worth the 4 hours that it takes to listen to this book (actually it will only take about 2:45 because I almost always listen at 1.5 speed).
If you are paying attention you’ll notice that this YA sci-fi book was on my TBR pile last month as well. This time I’m really going to read it because my best friend is reading it too and I have to be ready to discuss! A book club (even with just twi people, like ours) can make a big difference if you want to read more books.
This book is available through Kindle Unlimited.
Looking for more great book recommendations? Check out what other book bloggers are reading on Modern Mrs. Darcy’s monthly Quick Lit post.
Jordan, good morning from Anne’s place! These are all new-to-me titles and my to-read list has been shrinking recently, so thank you very much!