Another month has come and gone, and I’m just over here reading away like usual! Actually, not exactly like usual. My favorite reading tracker app tells me I’m trending to finish only about 60-70% of the books I usually do in a month. I blame this on a couple of things.
First of all, spring soccer is taking up a lot of time. With multiple practices and games every week, we are spending a lot of time on the field these days. Second, I’ve started writing a new novel and have been pushing myself to meet word count goals, which has me sometimes writing during times I would normally be reading.
On the surface, reading less feels like a downer because I love it so much and like having a variety of books to share. But in reality, I think it’s important to remember that everything is subject to seasons. I’m grateful that even though my current season has me reading a little less, the things that are replacing that reading time are things I’m excited about. I love writing and love watching my girl score goals! I’m certain my TBR will rebound eventually, and in the meantime, I’m enjoying other things that bring me joy.
Do you go through seasons of more or less reading time?
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Just Finished:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
It’s been so much fun re-reading this series alongside my oldest daughter. With any luck, my younger one will be interested in reading this series in a few years and I’ll get to do a buddy read again! It’s hard for me to really choose a favorite from this series, but I will say that the Deathly Hallows certainly gives me the most feels of any of the books (I’ll refrain from spoilers on the off chance that anyone reading this hasn’t gotten to this book yet and has no idea how many people die) and I love the ending. Question: Has anyone read The Cursed Child? I’m curious but a little put off by the play format. Should I read it?
I picked this book up on audio simply because I’ve read and loved this author before. I saw that it was labeled as steampunk and I actually had no idea what that was. Turns out, I love it. This is basically a futuristic historical where a mist of spores that creates zombie-like creatures drives humankind into the sky, where the altitude keeps the plague from growing and spreading. It centers around Cass, an orphan who finds her place as a diver (someone who ventures down into the mist to treasure hunt) on an airship, and Theo, a young aristocrat who is interested in finding a cure for the mist, even at his own risk. It’s a story of survival and politics, maybe with a hint of romance thrown in. Also, know that the zombies are not gory or scary, in case you are picturing Walking Dead-type scenes.
I am a complete sucker for dystopian societies, especially in the YA genre, and especially if there is romance involved. This book checked all my boxes! Cassia is assigned her perfect match, the boy the Society thinks is most compatible for her to marry and have a family with. It should be simple and comforting to have been matched, except when a glitch shows another boy’s face on her port instead, making her wonder about things she isn’t supposed to concern herself with. The more she learns, the more difficult her decisions become as her affection grows for two different boys. I couldn’t read this book fast enough and I can’t wait to dive into the next one in this trilogy.
In Progress:
Poppy and Alex have nothing in common but somehow connect with each other in an unexpectedly deep way. Each year they take a summer trip together until one trip goes horribly wrong. It’s been two years and they haven’t spoken since, but Poppy misses Alex so much that she can’t stand it anymore and invites him on one more trip, hoping to repair their friendship and win back her best friend. I love the witty banter between Poppy and Alex, as well as the hilarious and sometimes touching situations they find themselves in during their many trips. I’m pretty sure I know how this is going to end up, but I’m very much enjoying the ride.
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make – and Keep – Friends
We all know that friends are a good thing, right? Well, it turns out having friends is better for your well-being than we knew. Science has shown that having strong connections with other people is good for your mental, emotional, and physical health. But that doesn’t mean that starting and maintaining friendships is easy, and the author of the book shows us some of the ways that we often get this wrong — and how to do better.
Up Next:
Basically, all I know about this new book by one of my all-time favorite authors is that Charlotte has a secret and Gunnar is a reclusive horse trainer. That’s all I need to know to be excited about this upcoming release that comes out in September. I couldn’t believe my luck when I scored a NetGalley copy and I can’t wait to get started on it. Denise Hunter is a master at writing romances with realistic characters that really draw you in and make you invested in the story. They are clean romances, which means lots of chemistry but no hanky-panky. My favorite kind!
This is another NetGalley arc that doesn’t actually release until September (please don’t hate me!). It’s the fifth installment in the Dread Penny Society series, a set of historical romance/mysteries set in Victorian London. The series follows a group of penny-dreadful authors who strive to make a difference by doing good deeds and protecting the weak through a secret society. There was a big bombshell at the very end of the last book (my jaw literally dropped) so I haven’t been living in anticipation of this book since. The whole series is so clever, with the penny-dreadfuls that the authors write printed in the story alongside the narrative of the actual book, so you essentially get two or three stories in one. They are so well done and I love them!
I’m getting ready to start listening to the audio version of this romantic comedy about a wedding dress designer who needs her ex’s help stealing back an original design that was stolen from her. I’ve read several of Jenny Proctor’s other books and really enjoyed them, so I’m excited to give this one a try!
As always, don’t forget to check out Modern Mrs. Darcy’s quick lit post, including the comments full of links and book talk by other book bloggers.