My reading is so messed up, you guys. First of all, I haven’t had as much time to read as I would like recently. It’s hard watching my kids go through their summer reading lists and get free pizzas while I’m just over here doing responsible things like a stinking grown-up.
Second, and this is related to the lack of time, I’m stuck. I made the rooky mistake of starting three fairly long books (one on audio, one physical, and one ebook, as is my habit) at the same time. Now it feels like I’m reading in slow motion and barely making any progress since I’m not getting that hit of satisfaction that comes from marking a book as finished. I also have about a million books I’m ready to start, but I’m smack in the middle of these three!
So the moral of the story is, don’t start too many books at one time if you want to maintain a sense of forward momentum. Or maybe do. I’m not the boss of you, so you can read however you want.
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Just Finished:
I listened to this one on audio. It’s fairly short (about 7 hours or 288 pages) and packed with nine strategies for building a calmer, more productive life. I liked how the author, well-known time management expert Laura Vanderkam, explains each strategy and backs it up with the results from the experiment she conducted to test them. I also like that she seems to put equal weight toward achieving both personal and professional tranquility. I will say, if you listen to her Before Breakfast podcast, you can get some of the information in her bite-sized daily episodes. It wasn’t entirely new information, but it was still helpful.
The Vanderbeekers are my favorite fictional family (although the Penderwicks are a really close second). In this fifth book in the series, the Vanderbeekers are preparing a huge surprise party for Papa’s fortieth birthday. When Papa suddenly has to go out of town to help a friend in need, the kids take advantage of his absence to work on the perfect birthday gift — recreating the road trip Papa never got to take with his father before he died. It’s a tall order, even without the unexpected visit from their over-critical grandmother to throw a wrench in things.
I listened to this one on audio too, with my girls. I can’t say enough good things about this series because each book tackles some really hard themes, like death and grief, racism, abandonment, and more with grace and humor that puts it on just the right level for kids. The Vanderbeeker parents allow the kids a good amount of independence while also being supportive and present. It’s such a fun, charming series!
In Progress:
This is an upcoming release by new-to-me author Liz Johnson. Even though I’ve never read her before, I know she has a lot of fans who will be excited for this book to come out in just a few weeks on August 8th. It’s set on Prince Edward Island and follows Kelsey, a teacher and drama coach who is set on rescuing the local theater after significant storm damage causes the board to shut it down. She wants to organize a benefit play and enlists the help of Levi, the silent facilities director at the high school with a heart of gold and a long-standing crush on Kelsey. When the handsome and charming local weatherman steps in to help and expresses his interest in Kelsey, Levi will have to speak up or risk losing her.
While I really liked Red Queen and also enjoyed Glass Sword, this third book in the series is going a little too slow for my taste. I’m about 50% in and it feels like she could have cut out some words and made the story a little shorter and tighter. I’m also getting impatient with Cal. When’s he going to pick a side and commit? This is definitely not a book you can pick up without having read the first two. I’m withholding judgment until the end to determine if I want to read the last one or not.
I picked this book up based on the author, Marissa Meyer. I loved her Cinder series and the Gilded/Cursed duology, so I was hoping to love this one too. I’m still reading it, but right now I’d say this book ‘okay’. There are a few parts of this dystopian superhero story that don’t feel believable enough to me, particularly the main character’s motivations. Fingers crossed it will wrap up nicely.
The premise is that people start developing abilities and society crumbles under the weight of figuring out what to do with them. There is a battle between the heroes, known as Renegades, and the villains, called Anarchists. Now, in Gatlon City (if you’re thinking that sounds too much like Gotham City, I did too) the Renegades are governing and trying to restore society. Nova, a young anarchist in hiding with a small group of other villains, wants to take them down and determines to do this by becoming a Renegade herself and infiltrating their headquarters. But her strong opinions start to get confused as she gets to know Adrian and the other prodigies on her team.
Up Next:
Listen to this blurb from the publisher and tell me you’re not excited to read this: “Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping fantasy about a teenage girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars.”
I can’t wait to start this YA fantasy novel! I got it all the way back in May when I took a trip with my sister to a new local bookstore (Hit up Fable Hollow Bookshoppe if you’re in Knoxville. The atmosphere is so cool and they have coffee, too!). I think the time feels right to pick it up and devour it.
Super excited to start this enemies-to-lovers, grumpy/sunshine sweet rom-com about a hockey player with a well-known temper and the woman who touches his heart. I don’t know why, but I always end up loving stories with hockey players in them. I’m not a hockey fan, heck, I’m not a sports fan. But there’s something about this particular sport that really lends itself to the romance genre.
Apparently, I’m in some kind of mood because this book is also an enemies-to-lovers, grumpy/sunshine rom-com. A friend recently told me she’s been enjoying Annah Conwell’s books, so I decided to give her a try. This workplace romance seemed like a good place to start, and it’s the first in a series so if I like it I can move straight into the next one!
Of course, you can always find more book talk by check out the quick lit section of the Modern Mrs. Darcy blog. Don’t forget to check the comment section for links to a whole slew of other book bloggers!
I have Tranquility by Tuesday on my shelf. I’m thinking it will be a good read once school starts back up! Thanks for the reminder to read it. I do like her podcast too but with a new one every day, I don’t always listen and then get behind.
I like that they are pretty short. That helps me keep from getting behind.