I’ll be honest – this month’s list is going to be short and sweet. Despite the fact that school has started back, I haven’t been able to get back into my school reading rhythm just yet. My book logging apps tell me that I am still reading with my summer pacing, which is to say not as many books per month as during the rest of the year.
Adding to that, I have started vetting books for my annual Christmas reading list (yes, I know it’s still hot outside, but if I don’t start now I won’t have enough to share a balanced list). I typically try not to share too many of those books ahead of time since I a). don’t want to spoil any surprises for later, and b). assume most people are not interested in reading about gingerbread men beside the pool.
So check back next month and (fingers crossed) I’ll be back to normal with a hordes of books to discuss. For now, enjoy this short but high-quality list of current reads.
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Just Finished:
This story follows a young woman seeking revenge against the man responsible for selling her onto a debtor ship with other children seven years ago. When she finally escapes the ship, she teams up with a stranger who also wants revenge and has the resources to make it happen for both of them. They begin an elaborate plot woven together with deceptions of all kinds, but the deeper in Amaya gets, the more she realizes that things are not as they seem. I wasn’t crazy about this book. I thought it was really dark without a lot of hopeful or redeeming qualities. There were a couple of twists that surprised me, but I also kind of thought that at the end of the story, Amaya didn’t really impact anything. It seemed like the ending would have been more or less the same if she hadn’t been there, it’s just that she provided some action along the way, which is not a great thing to say about a main character. I gave this one 3.5 stars just because of the twists.
An oldie but a goodie! My daughter read this book for her summer reading list and I found myself intrigued as she told me about it. When 13-year-old Bryan survives a crash landing in the Canadian wilderness, he has to rely on his own wits and grit to survive. He encounters many perils and challenges, from finding food to facing dangerous wildlife. It’s not a long book and I loved the audio version. It really captures your attention and I think it’s great for getting young people to think critically about what they would do in a situation where they had to rely on themselves.
In Progress:
Instagram made me do it. I saw this on a list of most popular fantasy book series’ some time ago and decided to pick it up over the weekend. So far I’m liking the underdog/fish-out-of-water vibes I’m getting from a determined young woman who scores well against all odds on an extremely difficult nationwide test, earning her spot at an elite military institution. Now she faces many challenges as she tries to prove that she’s more than just a poor war orphan and discovers a hidden ability she didn’t know she had. I’m only 10% in so I’m sure there is more to the story than that, especially since it’s not a short book.
Up Next:
First of all, is this not the most beautiful cover? This book is about two sisters in the deep south who befriend a girl named Lily who finds herself getting some unwanted attention. When Lily’s baby girl goes missing, Callie thinks she has a hazy memory of her sister Emily standing on the bank of the river with the baby. But she can’t be sure of what she saw or what she remembers. I’ve heard a couple of interviews with the author and I’m really looking forward to delving into the suspense but also the female relationships that are front and center in this book.
I and my girls are all eagerly waiting for our Libby hold to come in. We love listening to the Vanderbeekers and their adventures on our way to and from school every day, and I think there is a lot of potential for sweet and laugh-out-loud moments as the whole family loads up in an old van for a surprise road trip. I’ve raved about this series before, but it bears repeating. The entire Vanderbeeker series is delightful. The family feels so real with all their ups and downs, but they are all so supportive of each other and kind to everyone. The stories are equal parts poignant and funny. My favorite part is the way the parents are portrayed. They strike a good balance between being actively involved in caring for their kids while also giving them the independence to do things and make mistakes for themselves.
If you want more bookish goodness, hop on over to Modern Mrs. Darcy’s monthly quick-lit link-up and see what she and other book bloggers are reading right now.