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Books in Progress: What I’ve Been Reading Lately – May 2024

If you follow along with these monthly reading list posts, you might remember that I told y’all last month about my reading time being reduced due to a writing project. That trend continues this month, not because of writing (I got that draft done in record time!) but because the end of the school year/sports season is bonkers! So much to do, so little time, especially since I’m currently trying to revise that first draft as quickly as possible.

All that to say, you might not see quite as many books on this list as you might be used to, but the ones I’m sharing are great, so hopefully the quality makes up for the lack of quantity.

Let’s get to it!

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Just Finished:

The Hunger Games

I’m going to assume that I don’t have to explain the plot of this one. I re-read this super popular book to remind myself of the content and determine if I thought my eleven-year-old was ready for it. I had almost decided she could handle it, but then I got to the scene with the muttations and remembered how stinking creepy they are! I did very much enjoy revisiting this story, though. Now I want to watch the movies again!

The One with the Kiss Cam

This rom-com has been getting a ton of attention in the sweet romance community and it totally deserves it! The story kicks off with a kiss-cam moment between two strangers that blossoms into more than they ever could have expected. The characters and their struggles feel very real and relatable and the whole thing is just a lot of fun, balancing hard topics with a lot of humor. 10/10 recommend!

In Progress:

Catching Fire

Again, this book needs no introduction, other than to say I enjoyed re-reading The Hunger Games so much that I had to keep going. There’s a reason why this is such a favorite among so many readers!

Famous for a Living

Melissa Ferguson is becoming a favorite rom-com author for me. I loved her most recent book How to Plot a Payback and this one is just as good! The story follows a social media influencer who has fallen from grace and goes to live with her park ranger uncle in the middle of nowhere to lick her wounds and recover in privacy. There she discovers a life outside the internet, along with an unexpected romance. It sounds kind of trite when I describe it, but it’s really well done. The main characters really grapple with what it means to be addicted to devices and how to live in the moment in a way that I think readers will find very thoughtful and thought-provoking.

Intuitive Editing

A writer friend recommended this book to me and I’ve been getting a lot out of this witty guide to evaluating your own work. It’s helped me spot some problem areas as I’ve been going through revisions on my current manuscript and given me tools to address them. Hopefully I’ll be able to use the tips in this book to turn out a really clean second draft!

Up Next:

Miles Bailey Gets Down on One Knee

I’ve been seeing a lot of hype around this modern marriage of convenience rom-com (which is one of my absolute favorite tropes) so it’s up at the top of my list. I don’t think I’ve read anything by this author before so I’m hoping I’ll love it enough to want to check out her backlist. Because, you know, I definitely don’t have enough books on my TBR.

The Testing

This YA dystopian novel is billed as perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, which we’ve already established means me. When Cia is chosen for a program that trains future leaders all she has to go on is her father’s advice to trust no one. Fingers crossed it will be full of action, intrigue, and just the right amount of angsty teen romance!

As always, be sure to check what other readers are enjoying through Anne Bogel’s monthly quick lit round up!

2 responses to “Books in Progress: What I’ve Been Reading Lately – May 2024”

  1. Linda Stoll Avatar

    Quantity can be over-rated! That you’ve read this many book in recent weeks as well as focusing on your project speaks volumes about your love of the written word.

  2. Brittany C Avatar

    Oh, I am intrigued by the editing book. Great suggestion!

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Hi! I’m Jordan, wife to one husband and mom to two little girls. Blogging and writing are my side gig, and I love creating delicious recipes and reading lots of books to share with you guys!

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