Books in Progress: What I’ve Been Reading Lately – January 2025

person reading book and holding coffee
Photo by Vincenzo Malagoli on

New year, new me?

Nah, I’m just the same ol’ girl who likes to read too much, and I’m going to share what I’ve been reading with you today, just like I do every month. Some things never change, am I right?

And, like always, I have a mix of genres on my list. Some fantasy, a bit of rom-com, a smattering of historical romance, and a dash of nonfiction…all that adds up to a pretty good TBR.

Though, I must confess to reading a little less than usual lately. I’m hard at work revising a new book of my own (here’s the title reveal I did on Instagram, if you’re interested), as well as navigating some other schedule changes our family has made this year. So the list isn’t long this month, but I have no doubt that it will be longer in months to come as life seasons wax and wane.

The good news is that the books I have been reading have been good ones. So let’s get started!

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Just Finished:

Curse of the Specter Queen

My sister got this one for Christmas and read it so quickly that she gave it to me a few days later, and I finished it quickly, too. It reminded me of Divine Rivals in tone and style, and my only real complaint was that I guessed the twist pretty early on. Other than that, it was a fast-paced, action-packed fantasy tale about a group of young people trying to get to the bottom of an alleged curse and discover the truth before an unknown opponent can stop them. They travel to Ireland, solve ciphers, and fight or sweet-talk their way out of a plethora of dangerous situations. There’s a hint of romance, but it’s not the focus of the story. I really enjoyed it!

Cloaked in Beauty

I’ve always enjoyed Karen Witemeyer’s books and this one was no exception. This is a historical fairy tale retelling mash-up of Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty. It’s full of sweet romance and action as Pinkerton agent Philip endeavors to bring Lettie home to claim her inheritance after fifteen years in hiding for her safety. The two of them learn to trust each other and work together as they journey through the wilderness and face many challenges along the way.

In Progress:

The Summer of Yes

Courtney Walsh has never let me down. She writes a mix of rom-coms and women’s fiction, and this one leans more toward women’s fiction, although she certainly infuses a sense of humor into the story. It opens with a young woman waking up in a hospital bed after an accident, and from there she meets an older woman who makes her realize that she needs to adjust her priorities if she wants to have a satisfying life with few regrets. After much cajoling, she convinces her new friend to embark on ‘summer of yes’ where they enjoy experiences they’ve historically said no to for one reason or another. There is a thread of romance and an overarching theme of living life to the fullest. I’m enjoying it!


I gobbled up the Penn-Leiths of Thistle Muir series by this author last year, so I was excited to start on another series. I have mixed feelings. I am enjoying it, but not with the same fervor that I adored the other series. It’s a time travel story about a young woman from the present day who feels a mysterious connection to a man pictured in an antique locket. She finds herself flung back through time during a violent lightning storm but with no memory of who she is or where she came from. When James rescues her from the storm, all she has is the locket, which confuses everyone since his portrait is inside. The premise is very promising, but the characters feel a little flat compared to other books I’ve read by this author. I’m hopeful that if I keep going, I’ll warm up to it more.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

My girls and I are progressing through the series slowly but surely, and I’m loving revisiting Hogwarts by reading aloud to them. It’s so fun to watch my older daughter (who is a gigantic HP fan) listen with delight, while my younger daughter gets an introduction to this beloved series. We’re planning a trip to Wizarding World in March (older daughter’s Christmas gift) so I’m aiming to get through as many of the books as we can before then.

Up Next:

The Whispering Night

The only thing slowing me down from finishing this whole three-book series in about one week was waiting on library holds. But my hold for this last book in the trilogy has finally arrived so I’m about to dive in! It’s an addicting YA fantasy series about a town full of monster hunters who kill “nightmares” that rise from the mists in the forest at night. It’s kind of dark, but not super scary, and there are a couple different mysteries threaded through the action as well to make things extra interesting. I love it!

Wired for Story

My daughter gave me this one for Christmas and it will be the next physical book I pick up. I’ve heard good things about this book and this author, so I’m hoping that I will glean some useful insights about how our brains interact with stories that will help me develop my writing skills to craft better books.

The Run Option

Another favorite author, I’ve been looking forward to this book since it came out last month and I think I’m finally ready to pick it up. Annah Conwell does such a great job with sweet, clean romances that have lovable characters and just the right amount of chemistry but no spice. This is the third book in her sports rom-com series and I already know I’ll love it.

As always, you can see more fantastic book recommendations and discussions in the monthly quick lit conversation hosted by Anne Bogel over at Modern Mrs. Darcy.