Tomato Salad

Salads of all varieties are an excellent treat in the summer months, and this Tomato Salad is one of my all time favorites! It’s so quick and simple to put together and makes such a cool and refreshing side dish for cookouts and picnics. This is the barebones base recipe and it’s fantastic as is, but if you really want to take it up a notch I suggest adding in a handful of fresh chopped basil and/or 1/4 cup shredded parmesan. Mix it up and make it your own! There are so many directions you could go and things you could add to it to personalize it to your own taste. Enjoy!

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Tomato Salad
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Makes about 6 cups

1 lb tomatoes
2 Tbsp distilled white vinegar
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 0.6 oz packet Italian dressing mix

Wash the tomatoes and dice them into bite sized pieces, discarding all the juice that collects on the cutting board between tomatoes. Place in a large bowl and add vinegar, oil, and dressing mix. Toss gently and serve cold.

23 responses to “Tomato Salad”

  1. Harmony, Momma To Go Avatar

    this looks really simple and i have basil growing in my garden! So you just use plain white vinegar?

    1. Jordan Avatar

      Yep. You’re basically making the Italian dressing recipe on the packet but reducing the liquids because tomatoes are so juicy.

  2. Liz Avatar

    This sounds yummy. I just bought some tomatoes at the store, so I’m going to try this. Perfect summer dish. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jordan Avatar

      You’re welcome, hope you enjoy!

  3. Ressa Avatar

    Wow, I’m not the best at cooking, but this recipe looks easy and delicious to make! Thanks for sharing!


    1. Jordan Avatar

      Yes! Totally easy enough for anyone to make.

  4. Rachel Ritlop Avatar

    Looks super simple and delicious! Love this idea!

    1. Jordan Avatar

      It’s a family favorite!

  5. Ayanna @ 21FlavorsofSplendor Avatar

    Yum! I love that is simple and looks refreshing. Perfect addition to any bbq. I would definitely look to add a little fresh basil and parmesan to take it up a notch.

    1. Jordan Avatar

      My mom always had a basil plant when I was growing up, but I’ve never been able to grow one!

  6. Emily Morrow Avatar

    This looks so delicious, and I love how it is naturally vegan! I’m craving tomatoes now, lol!

    1. Jordan Avatar

      I love tomatoes! I could eat them like apples lol

  7. Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries Avatar

    So simple and perfect when you have yummy summer tomatoes! 🙂

    1. Jordan Avatar

      It’s all I can do not to stop at every farmers market I pass during the summer 🙂

  8. Jenn Avatar

    Yummy! I love how easy this is! Plus I LOVE tomatoes and cannot wait to try this!

  9. Felicia Avatar

    I’m practically yelling at my tomatoes “GROW FASTER” after reading this post. Can’t wait until I have super ripe tomatoes fresh out of my garden to make this.

    1. Jordan Avatar

      Miracle Grow those suckers! Ha ha ha

  10. Sarah Kranz Avatar

    Great use for all those tomatoes when it becomes tomato season!

  11. jessica Avatar

    sooo simple, yet sounds delicious

  12. Kristine Avatar

    YUM! I absolutely love tomatoes and so does my husband. Definitely want to make this soon!

    1. Jordan Avatar

      My husband doesn’t like them, so I don’t have to share at all lol

  13. Jazz Avatar

    This is interesting. I’ve never heard of a tomato-only salad, which I why I clicked on this…but I don’t like raw tomatoes! :/

    1. Jordan Avatar

      Neither does my husband…that whole bowl was just for me 😊

Let’s be friends!

Hi! I’m Jordan, wife to one husband and mom to two little girls. Blogging and writing are my side gig, and I love creating delicious recipes and reading lots of books to share with you guys!

I believe in raising readers by example and that cooking homemade meals for your family doesn’t have to be complicated. I hope as you look around you will find something that will help you and thanks for visiting my online home!

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