Do you have a bookworm in your life? And do you need to find the perfect gift for said bookworm? Oh boy, have I got you covered. Book lovers are sure to appreciate every item on this list! I’ll admit it’s a bit skewed towards female readers, but I think you’ll find a few things dude readers will also love.
Just so we’re clear here, this list is basically part two of ‘things Jordan would love to get for Christmas’ (part one was this stocking stuffers for cooks and bakers post). I haven’t tried any of these things, so I’m not giving them a review – just sharing from a readerly point of view what book lovers such as myself are likely to enjoy.
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8 Gift Ideas for Book Lovers
Bookish apparel
Anybody with a hobby likely has a t-shirt that embodies their passion for the activity. Why should readers be any different? And if a t-shirt doesn’t seem like quite the right thing, you always have to option to go with socks or jewelry instead.
T-Shirts pictured: My Weekend is All Booked // The Library Is Calling // You Can’t Read All Day
Socks and Jewelry pictured: Reading Books Socks // Loyal Books Socks // So Many Books, So Little Time Pendant // Book Nerd Earrings
More books!
I’ve been dying to try Book of the Month Club! Every month they curate a collection of five new releases that they have vetted and approved as awesome reads, and book lovers get to choose which beautiful hardback they will mail to you each month. You can also add on additional books for a smaller fee if you can’t choose just one, and they absolutely have gift giving options available.
Something to carry all those books
Ever go to the library and try to walk out balancing all the books you just borrowed while trying to hold your toddlers hand, put away your library card, and keep the toddler’s still-wet art project from story time from blowing away? Just me? Ok, well, if you ever did find yourself in a similar situation you might find that one of these adorable bookish totes would help.
Bags pictured: I Like Big Books // Literary Rebel
Even more books!
Any die-hard Kindle users out there? If so, Kindle Unlimited is a steal of deal for accessing hundreds of ebooks whenever you want. You can sign up yourself or a bookworm you love by clicking the image below.
If I want to give my husband a book I do it by way of Audible credits. He loves to listen to books rather than reading them with his eyeballs, and Audible makes it easy to give the gift of audiobooks.
Reading lights
These are perfect for dimly lit rooms, reading in the dark on road trips until it’s your turn to drive again, and staying up a little late to read ‘just one more chapter’ after your spouse has hit the hay.
Lights pictured: AMIR Clip-On Book Light // Mighty Bright Xtraflex Book Light
Book marks/darts
Unless you are one of those monsters who bends the corner of the page to keep your place, you need a book mark or two to have on hand. These book marks are so funny and cute! And book darts are perfect for low-profile page marking, especially if you are doing any kind of research where you need to mark multiple spots.
Book marks pictured: Coffee & Books // Just One More Chapter // Eat, Sleep, Read // Owl Keep Your Place // 99 Problems // Book Darts
Personal library marking equipment
Books are meant to be leant (I should get that put on a t-shirt…). I love to lend and borrow books, but we all know that the risk you take as a lender is that you might not get your baby back. Increase your odds of return with a custom book stamp, or take it a step farther with a whole personal library kit! These are so neat, you guys…I seriously love the stamp.
Pictured: Personal Library Kit // Custom Library Stamp
The girl that helps care for my son loves to read. She’d love the this is how I roll and the I’d rather be reading shirts.
I thought the ‘this is how I roll’ shirt was pretty funny lol
These are so good! My librarian and reading teacher at school would love these. Great gift ideas!
I hope someone gifts you with Book of the Month! I requested it for my birthday in September and I love it. It’s like a new present each month to pick out a book (and I usually can’t resist an add-on or two), but what I love is that it gets me reading at least a few newly released books. I don’t usually feel pressure to read all the newest books, but it is nice to be up on at least a few of the buzzy ones.
I love the idea of a present each month 😉 I like to stay decently up to date too, and they always pick books that sound so interesting!
I quite regret not buying a Harry Potter tshirt I cam across. Next time I find one I will buy it!
There’s nothing worse than buyers regret!
Bookmarks and clip on light are going on my list!
I’ve always been such a voracious reader. There’s nothing like spending all weekend on the couch with a good book! I absolutely love the idea of the marking equipment! What a great idea
I love the personalized stamps. Such an easy way to make sure people know to return your book!
I lovelovelove the “weekend is all booked” shirt! So cute!
Me too! My other favorite is the “this is how I roll” shirt.