Well, I don’t know about you, but 2022 has already been quite a year for me. If you follow me on Instagram then you probably already know that our girls’ Christmas gift this year was a surprise trip to Disney World, for which we embarked just a few days after the holiday. Great fun was had by all, and we drove back on my oldest daughter’s birthday.
The children then went back to school for one whole day before the school system called out for snow (we got exactly no snow), and we have been scrambling to reschedule the aforementioned daughter’s birthday party to accommodate ill family members.
Are you worn out? I’m worn out. Nevertheless, I’ve made it a priority to spend time reading, since that’s one of my top self-care activities, and I do have a list of books to share with you today. It might be a little shorter than usual since my routine as been decidedly disrupted, but there are still plenty of titles to be excited about here.
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P.S. Since I’ve become obsessed with Kindle Unlimited here lately, I’m marking all of the five books on this list that are available through that service with an asterisk (*) so they are easier to spot.
Just Finished:
I won’t spend too much time on this one here since I already published a full review for it last week, but I thoroughly enjoyed this sweet small-town romance. I thought it had a great hook at the beginning, interesting characters, and a storyline that kept me reading. Tanner and Anita have been denying their attraction to each other for years, and now, just when it seems things might be going somewhere, they find themselves with competing businesses and lots of baggage to reconcile.
Now let’s take a hard left turn and skip from sweet romance to a YA vampire story. The Prey is the second in the series and I liked this one as much as the first book. The main idea is that the world is populated with vampires (called duskers) and only a few humans remain, either because they’ve been carefully kept, secluded, or have managed to beat the odds and camouflage themselves in dusker society. Now a group of humans has been discovered and they are desperately trying to escape the hunters that want to devour them. While there are some gory scenes, I am really impressed with the creative and detailed world-building in these books, along with the constant twists and turns that keep the story moving forward.
Colors of Truth* was absolutely a five star read for me. Catriona O’Toole and her little sister Nora come to Franklin, Tennessee from Ireland in search of a better life and their missing brother, Ryan, only to encounter harsh prejudice from Franklin’s residents. The only clue they have to go on is that his last letter said he was going to the Carnton estate to speak to the owner, so that’s where Catriona heads first, hoping to garner some news of his whereabouts. She crosses paths with Wade Cunningham, a government operative undercover as Carnton’s overseer as he investigates a local counterfeiting ring. Catriona and Wade butt heads, but ultimately discover they have more in common than they could have guessed. There are so many touching moments in this story and a fascinating exploration of truth. Is there ever a time when it is appropriate to withhold the truth or does honesty always bring freedom? I loved it!
In Progress:
This brick of a book picks up where Crown of Midnight leaves off, with Celaena on a dangerous journey to learn more about her origin and try to come up with a plan to stop the king of Adarlan from using the dark powers at his disposal. It has all the same important characters from the previous books, but also introduces a few new point-of-view characters as the story shifts and deepens. I’m curious to see how those characters will develop and impact the story.
The only nonfiction book on this list, We Should All Be Millionaires* could be read by anyone, but is specifically geared towards women who want to be happy and successful. In it, the author shares what she thinks are the guiding principles that help women break through the glass ceilings created by themselves and society in order to lead the kind of life they want, primarily by being financially independent and prosperous. I’m about 30% into the audiobook, and it’s interesting. There are many points that I agree with, but there are also some beliefs or attitudes that she presents that I don’t think are super healthy, particularly regarding relationships. As with any book, I say go into it with an open mind and the understanding that we are free to choose our own opinions. Also be aware that this is not one to listen to around your kiddos or your mama due to the language.
Falling for Your Best Friend’s Twin*
I want to be Emma St. Clair when I grow up and write funny, fast-paced rom-coms with sweet romances that are clean but just a little bit steamy. The title pretty much describes the basics of this story, with one friend falling for another friend’s brother and the complications that go along with that. It’s the first in a series that I accidentally stumbled into the middle of when I read Falling For Your Fake FiancĂ©*, and now I’m on a mission to read them all.
Up Next:
Of the books in the ‘up next’ section, this is the one I’m probably the most excited about. Never Leave Me is the follow up to Come Back to Me, a time slip novel from one of my favorite authors that I raved about last year. In this book, there are two flasks of holy water left. Ellen believes the water is what killed her sister and father, but her paraplegic friend Harrison, willing to take a chance if it will save her from her terminal illness, drinks some in order to test it out. The results are completely unexpected and lead them on a dangerous journey when nefarious individuals learn of the water as well. I can’t wait to pick this one up!
Yay for books as gifts! I have no idea what this book is even about, but my sister gave it to me for Christmas because she knows I like this author, and that, combined with the pretty cover and all the good reviews I’ve heard for it, make me excited to start reading! I do know that it’s a YA fantasy and since I’ve been really drawn to those lately I think it will be a good fit for me.
This book is billed as a sweet romance about a girl restoring a junky old camper with the help of a hunky hardware store owner, so. . . I’m in. Sounds like a delight! I’ve read a couple of Melody Carlson’s other books (usually she writes Christmas stories), and if the tone and style are the same then I think I’ll love it.
As always, you can find more book recommendations by checking out Modern Mrs. Darcy’s quick lit post.
I’ve made it more a priority this month to spend more time reading too. I need it for my mental health! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your reviews here.